Bulk Unfollow from Twitter with ‘manageflitter’
The maximum limit of following in Twitter is 2000. To more follow user need to unfollow old following. It is easy to unfollow some one by clicking one by one from https://twitter.com/#!/following. But user can unfollow bulk following from manageflitter.
First go to www.manageflitter.com and login/signup via twitter account.
Then filter following by clicking left panel (Not Following Back, No Profile Image, Non-English, Inactive, Talkative, Quiet, High Ratio High Ratio or Everyone You Follow).
Now click Quick Edit and select the followings who you want you unfollow.
Then click right side link Unfollow * Selected.
The daily unfollow limit is 100. To get more unfollow limit click Increase your daily unfollow limit to 2000 in the top and increase daily limit with Follow Us, Send Tweet, Subscribe, Invites!.